
I have a testimonial for a Christmas Star
They are so very modest, they won’t guess who they are.

It started with a machine, customs paperwork to do.
Being a cotton headed ninny muggins, I didn’t have a clue!

I asked for help from Ildiko, she did not flinch.
She advised and was kind, she was no Grinch.

Still overwhelmed, I sent a referral through.
I knew that Ildiko would know exactly what to do.

Despite all my worries, she said it would be fine.
She was caring and warm like a glass of mulled wine.

It all went swimmingly, from start to end.
All on Ildiko, upon her I could depend.

The machine arrived and Chris was happy
His face lit up, like a big Christmas tree.

And here ends Henry Christopher’s story
All thanks to Ildiko, our custom’s fairy.

But I feel such a Scrooge paying her reasonable fee
So I just had to bring in these small gifts for thee.

Thank you Ildiko!

Marguerita Woods
Director Henry Christopher Printer